校外学习 & 交流


Please click on a question below to view the answer.









Can I meet with someone from OCSE to discuss my options?

是的! 你可浏览我们的 建议的网站 预约或发送电子邮件 ocse@hzruiqi.net . 通常可以当天预约,我们很乐意亲自见面(星巴克) 202)或变焦. 

What courses do I 需要 to take while off-campus?

You should talk to your academic advisor regarding courses in your major or minor or courses toward all-college requirements that can or should be taken off campus. 这是一个好主意,坐下来计划一下之前和之后的学期 校外也一样. This 将 help you see if or 当 you have room for flexibility 当 choosing a curriculum for your time off campus.


是的. Student can typically take courses in subject areas other than their major. 一些 然而,国外的课程可能会限制这方面的入学选择——一定要检查一下 your program's requirements prior to submitting an 应用程序. 你也应该告知 你自己在校外需要满足哪些要求,并确保你 understand how major, minor, or all-college requirements 将 affect your program 课程选择.

Will I stay on track to graduate on-time?

精心规划的校外学习应该有助于而不是阻碍你的进步 毕业. In addition it offers important opportunities to enhance the academic 你在校园里从事的工作.

Is the program I want to attend approved by my 部门?

你应该复习一下 认可节目列表 由你的主修或辅修系来决定哪些校外项目 被那个地区approved了吗. The programs included on the various 部门al Approved 项目 lists are those that fit academically with that major or minor. 经approved的 项目列表package括国外和美国的火博体育和非火博体育项目.S./加拿大. 学生应向专业或辅修系和校外指导老师咨询 研究 & 火博体育获得信贷approved的交流.


火博体育项目与国际和国内认可项目有什么区别 项目?

Skidmore计划和approved计划在计费方面是一样的. 请参阅以下“grades和学分'和'FINANCES' for additional details regarding how the various programs are handled.

  • 火博体育项目 由学院和OCSE共同开发的海外留学项目是否可以直接申请 support certain aspects of Skidmore's curriculum. 火博体育项目得到了管理 through OCSE, which also has general oversight for these programs.
  • International and Domestic Approved 项目 留学项目是否已经通过了火博体育学院的学术审查和approved 部门、教育统筹委员会及教育政策及规划委员会(CEPP). 他们是高质量的课程,提供严谨的学术课程和强大的 现场管理结构,并可在各种目的地 世界各地.

如果我 需要对我的专业或辅修学分 while I'm off campus?

如果你想把校外学分计入你的主修/辅修专业,你应该先复习一下 来自 Approved 项目 list for your 大/小 部门. 而你并不局限于只参加你的专业/辅修课程 部门,这是一个很好的地方,开始探索什么程序将为您的工作 大/小. Regardless of 什么 program you select, you 将 work with your major 或辅修系,以确保所有获approved课程的学分获approved 项目. 

如果我 需要对我的专业或辅修学分?

如果你的主修/辅修课程不需要学分,你仍然可以搜索课程 在大学范围内 硕士认可课程列表. The Master List is available through OCSE and online 在这里.

如果我 can't find any Approved 项目 that meet my academic 需要s?

如果你在现有的课程列表中找不到合适的课程,你可以申请 to p艺术icipate on a study abroad program that is not already approved by Skidmore. 请愿书必须以学术为重点,并得到学生主修/辅修专业的支持 部门. Students wishing to petition for a non-Approved Program must consult with OCSE了解详情.



通常,青少年 申请校外学习. Students at other stages in their Skidmore education must submit a letter of intent and a letter of recommendation from their academic advisor to study off campus.


你需要一个 平均绩点 2.75 或者更好的是去校外学习. 你必须 also be in good academic, social and financial standing with the College at the time of dep艺术ure. 你应该检查一下 with your specific program regarding any additional requirements.

Do I 需要 to declare my major before studying off-campus?

是的. 你必须 申报专业 事实上,你必须提前这么做 应用 通过OCSE在校外学习. This rule applies to all students 应用 for 一个学期/全年的项目,package括那些将在他们的 大学二年级.

Do I 需要 to have completed any 先决条件 courses?

你需要检查你感兴趣的特定项目的先决条件 具体项目和课程. 一些 programs have language requirements or ask that you complete certain culture- or discipline-based coursework before p艺术icipating.

Do I 需要 to submit supplemental or special materials with my 应用程序 (i.e. 艺术 portfolio)?

美术课程确实倾向于要求学生的作品样本,而且可能 a discipline-related résumé, accompany the primary program 应用程序 forms. 在另外, 以英语以外的语言提供的课程也可能需要验证 a student's proficiency in the foreign language. Please check with your specific program 有兴趣确定什么,如果有的话,需要补充材料 应用程序.


Will I receive Skidmore or transfer 信贷 from my off-campus program?

如果您参加了Skidmore计划,您的学分将以Skidmore学分的形式返回. 如果你参加了国际认可的项目或国内认可的项目 你的学分会以 转移学分. That means you must earn a "C" or better in order for the courses to count.

Will grades from off-campus be 计算 into my Skidmore 平均绩点?

如果你参加了火博体育项目,你的grades将被计算到你的 平均绩点. If you p艺术icipate on an International Approved Program or a Domestic Approved Program your grades 将 NOT be 计算 into your 平均绩点.


所有300级的课程将适用于所有大学的要求 maturity度级别信用. Each 部门 determines how many maturity度级别信用 may be brought in from off-campus study for the major or minor. 因此,你必须 在出发前与相应的系主任或项目主管合作 确定在校外学习的300级课程中,哪些课程将满足本系的要求 或者其他要求.


All-college requirements may be completed while studying off campus. 你需要 to seek pre-approval through the appropriate 部门 or the 注册商's Office.


How 将 I be billed for off-campus study?

参加火博体育项目并获得国际或国内认可的学生 项目 将 be billed by Skidmore for the Skidmore comprehensive fee. 综合 费用package括火博体育目前的学费,校园公寓的房间 费用和伙食费(如适用). In return, 火博体育将 manage payment to the program provider, as the program provider 将 bill Skidmore/OCSE directly. 火博体育将 支付提供者的学费和强制性学杂费、食宿费(如适用); 以及强制性医疗保险. Students are responsible for any refundable deposits 支付给项目提供者,往返项目的交通费,护照 还有签证费和个人开销. NOTE: 一些 programs do not include meals in their fees or they include p艺术ial meal plans. 如果是这样,火博体育会 不收取你的伙食费或只收取部分伙食费,你将负责 你的饭菜.


You can use most 金融援助 for off-campus study for up to two semesters.

What 将 my 金融援助 package look like?

You may use most 金融援助 on all semester off-campus programs. 如果你收到 艾德,你应该和一个 金融援助 representative to review possible aid changes based on increased expenses.


Does Skidmore provide international health insurance?

是的. 火博体育大学 has secured international travel insurance through GeoBlue. 

被approved在本国以外的国家进行校外学习的学生 在此计划下,通过电子邮件直接从 the carrier shortly before their program st艺术 date. 你可以阅读更多的报道 在这里.

在HEALTH方面 & safety, 什么 criteria is Skidmore using to assess program viability?

Skidmore, like many program providers, 将 utilize the U.S. 国务院(DOS) 疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)作为我们HEALTH的主要来源, safety and security assessment of locations. 然而,我们也监控和接收 来自多个风险管理组织的最新消息和海外政府的建议. 我们也有从现场接收实时信息和更新的好处 项目工作人员.

然后,我们根据收到的火博体育公共卫生基础设施的信息评估项目的可行性, 社会限制,交通基础设施,政治不稳定,旅行 restrictions and emerging security risks.